If you require the services of a notary in Cheshire or North Wales, please do not hesitate to contact me to discuss how I can help.
Please feel free to contact me by phone or email in the first instance so that we can have a free no-obligation discussion about the services you require.
I will usually ask you to send to me a copy of the documents that require notarisation so I can review these and advise you of the most cost and time efficient way of dealing with the notarisation of your documents.
I can then provide a fee quote and arrange a convenient appointment.
Telephone: 01244 470 339
Email: sara@notarychester.co.uk
What is a notary?
An English notary (also known as a notary public or public notary) is a particular type of lawyer whose primary function is to authenticate documents for use abroad…
What is legalisation?
After a document has been notarised, it is usually necessary for the notary’s signature and seal to be certified as genuine. This process is called legalisation...